How to write quotations in an essay

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How to write quotations in an essay


An essay should express the author's view of the problem at hand, but to reveal the topic, it is most often necessary to cite quotes from various sources of top essay writing services. Since an essay is close to a work of fiction in its genre, the presentation of other people's thoughts in it can be more artistic than in essays or theses.

Types of citations in essays
The options for quoting depend on what genre the quoted fragment belongs to.

Epigraphs. They are given without quotation marks, but with the obligatory indication of the author without brackets. An epigraph must be appropriate, as, indeed, any quotation in an essay. It is used to add expressiveness to the work, so it must accurately reflect the essence of the work and become its crowning glory.

Poems. When quoting lines of poetry, you should also not put them in quotation marks if they are arranged in a column. But when writing in one line after the words of the author, quotation marks are put, and between the lines put a sign of separation. That said, one should not get carried away and rewrite entire paytowritepaper. This can not only tire the person who will be acquainted with the essay, but also give him the impression of artificially increasing the volume of work. It is better to take an apt couplet or quatrain, capable of striking the reader with unconventional ideas, comparisons.

The poet exclaims:

The sea rages lonely

In the midst of an alluring silence.

The poet exclaims: "The sea rages lonely / Among the alluring silence."

Famous sayings. If a famous saying of any author is to be cited, it is given in quotation marks, indicating the author.


"To be serious is not serious!" (Oscar Wilde).

О. Wilde wrote, "To be serious is not serious!"

Author's Statements. Quotations of an author from a source are framed as direct or indirect speech. When quoting a complete direct speech of the author quote begins with a capital letter, while when taking only a part of the statement of the author quote begins with a capital or small letter, depending on the fragment taken. At the same time in place of the missing words put ellipsis.


Sakharov notes: "Contemporary Russian culture requires deep consideration."

Sakharov notes: "...Russian culture differs markedly from other world cultures."

In indirect speech, quotations begin with a lowercase letter.


Lavrov wrote that "Gogol's entire life testifies to his ascent to the heights of the spirit."

References to Sources
After the quotation, a reference to the source from which the statement is taken should be given in parentheses. The reference itself can be arranged in various ways. In the case of direct citation in square brackets should indicate the number of the source under which it appears in the reference list, and the number of the page from which the phrase was taken. In the absence of a numbered list, the number is replaced by the author's surname and the year of publication of the source.

Sakharov notes: "...Russian culture differs markedly from other world cultures". [15, С. 136].

Sakharov notes: "...Russian culture differs markedly from other world cultures". [Sakharov, 2009, P. 136].

If the author's thoughts are presented in free form, without the use of citations, in parentheses indicate the number of the source (for numbered lists) or the author's name and the year of publication of the source (for unnumbered lists).

Sakharov notes that Russian culture is markedly different from other world cultures". [15].

Sakharov notes that Russian culture is markedly different from other world cultures" [15]. [Sakharov, 2009].

The reference to the source used can also be a footnote. For its design, an Arabic numeral should be placed at the end of the quoted phrase, corresponding to the serial number of the reference on the page.

3 Ivanov T.E. Popular Methods of Personnel Assessment. М., 2014. С. 175.

General rules for citation:
The citation must strictly correspond to the quoted fragment without reducing the words, punctuation marks, distortion of meaning. It should also observe the peculiarities of the author's writing (highlighted or sparse text, etc.).
There should not be many citations on one page (it is recommended to limit yourself to two), and they should not be too long.

If it is necessary to underline something in the quotation after it in round brackets it is necessary to indicate this and mark your initials (underlining is mine - AP).

After each quotation, the source from which it was taken is obligatory.

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